The biomethane plant 'BiogazMer' (250 Nm3/h) provides annually for the production of 2 million cubic…
The biomethane plant 'BiogazMer' (250 Nm3/h) provides annually for the production of 2 million cubic…
The maxi center is made up of 11 barns, plus the building meant to house the milking parlor with car…
New cowsheds and 249 kW biogas plant for Ferrari Ciboldi Donata's Farm located between the Cremonese…
New 3,300 square meter barn at Tema Agricultural Society in Maleo (Lodi), a farm with a 300 kW Rota …
New barn for 250 lactating cows, 40 head calves pen and 100 kW biogas system… advanced integrated li…
Structures, equipment, management of dairy cows microclimate and sewage, Rota Guido is the reference…
Optimal management and animal welfare in the stable for fattening: Rota Guido alongside all breeders…
The 96-box single-cell with automated feeding system (calf rail) is the perfect example of a 4.0 app…
300 kW biogas system designed by Rota Guido at Barbaglio Marco Farm in Secugnago, Lodi!
New stable for 144 cows in lactation, double pitch structure with Rota Guido equipment!
6.000 square meter hot galvanized steel structure for a 400 lactating cows barn, equipped with all t…
The new stables for Pieve Ecoenergia Soc. Coop. Agricola in Cingia De Botti is a model of Precision …
600 lactating heads cattle breeding, 1 MW anaerobic digestion biogas installation and 300 kW second …
Two new double pitch structures: a barn equipped with a box and specific equipments for any kind of …
New construction Rota Guido near Bra (Cuneo): 100 kW biogas plant (already in operation) and new dai…
A new Rota Guido construction in Campania: we show you some images of the Az. Agr. Zammiello Raffael…
For Rota Guido, the modernization project of Côte d'Ivoire poultry sector continues: new inspection …
In the Bozzini's farm, where no detail seems to be left to chance, two beautiful stables for dairy c…
For Rota Guido new realization in Greece: 209-kw biogas plant fueled only with livestock manure from…
Completed the 300 kW biogas plant for the Bonfanti's Farm
New Rota Guido Srl creation at Boccardo Dario’s Farm in Cascina Rivarolo – Carignano (Province or Tu…
Rota Guido partner of Soc. Agr. Zappaterra for 600-animal replacement barn, equipment, slurry manage…
Second biogas plant for Le Martinenghe’s farm in Villachiara (bs) built by Rota Guido Srl
Ai Capitani's Farm, has entrusted to ROTA GUIDO Company the construction of the new cowshed for its …
500 kW Biogas plant implemented at Gaec Hulmer – Manche (France)
Another one biogaz plant under construction in Greece, for the company Rota Guido. The biogaz plant,…
Rota Guido biogas revamping up to 250 kW at Earl De La Clergerie in Montreuil-sur-Lozon (France).
We have given you an anticipation, but now we begin to get to the heart of the realization. Here is …
New cowshed of 6400 mq for "Pedretti Rino's" in Villanova d'Arda (PC).
New cowshed for Tromba Andreana's Farm in Gavassa (RE). We are building the new barn for their 220 …
Realization underway for the biogas plant for "IV Novembre Farm" of Palosti's family in Casalpuster…
The new cowshed for the breeding CILA Cooperativa Intercomunale Lavoratori Agricoli di Novellara (RE…
Two new steel structures of Fattorie Donna Giulia di Atella (PZ) are currently setting-up. A surfac…
Completed the construction of the new farms "Djakovichi" for 2400 milking cows in Belarus.
The company Rota Guido developed for AB Group of Orzinuovi the new livestock centre AB AMBIENTE with…
Design and realization of a buffaloes livestock breeding for GRASSO's FARMING located in Roccaromana…
Realized for Az. Agr. Monetti Gianfranco and Mario a biogas plant of 250 kW and a beautiful farm wit…
Realizzato per l'az. agr. Bragutti Giovanni un impianto biogas da 636 kW alimentato a letame e liqu…
Realizzato in Piemonte un allevamento bovino da oltre 120 vacche in lattazione con robot di mungitur…
Rota Guido have realized one of the most important fattening stable, with excellent daily performanc…
Construction works for another barn designed by Rota Guido are proceeding also for the company Rinal…
A poultry breeding for 100.000 broilers with advanced management systems
4000 sqm of Stables for the World's Largest Agri-Food Park
New barn for fattening cattle with ventilation system and windbreak networks
New ventilation system in Russia in Voronez | Novomarkovska
Impianto Biogas a Saint Jean Lachalm in Francia
Avviato il nuovo impianto Biogas da 100 kW alimentato da reflui zootecnici realizzato per Az. Agr. C…
The maxi center is made up of 11 barns, plus the building meant to house the milking parlor with car…